About This Game A towering word-game and mystery-story mash-up! Following a sudden earthquake, Seb must escape a crumbling skyscraper. Along the way he will make some intriguing new friends, and together they might just unravel the sinister origins of the 'quake, assuming they can evade the mysterious stalker in close pursuit...Starting at the top and working down, the game's 90+ levels take place inside the skyscraper. The player creates words on a grid of letters and obstacles, clearing a path for Seb and friends to descend.Give your brain a workout with this charming word puzzle game.Note: Supports English (US and UK) words only. From the creators of the Quell puzzle trilogy Epic soundtrack by Gavin Harrison Riveting story by acclaimed novelist Rosanne Rivers 90+ levels and 60+ additional challenges 12 special chimp-themed levelsCrafted with care for PC play.Joe and Lewis (Fallen Tree Games) 6d5b4406ea Title: Highrise Heroes: Word ChallengeGenre: Adventure, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Fallen Tree Games LtdPublisher:Fallen Tree Games LtdRelease Date: 8 Jan, 2016 Highrise Heroes: Word Challenge Download Low Mb highrise heroes world challenge This is another game I got in a $3 bundle, so I didn't expect much. Like Chef Solitaire, this had a great interface and mechanics. Also, like Chef Solitaire, it takes a simple game and mixes it up enough to be interesting and fun. Although it dragged on a bit towards the end, the story ended up being worth holding out to the end for. The twist was excellent and I may revisit this just for fun when I am bored.This company made the Quell series, so no question about the quality of the game. I feel bad for their games always ending up in cheap bundles though, as they are worth much more.. The only problem with this game is that it is totally addictive! There's enough variety between the levels to keep it interesting, there's a fun story attached, and it gets seriously challenging as you get further in. I highly recommend it.I completed the game in 20 hours but there are still levels I could go back to to improve my score. The puzzle element makes parts of it easily replayable, although I did enjoy watching the story progress. You can skip the timer on timed levels if like me you're a bit slow! You do need to work up to 3 stars to complete those levels but it makes them achievable.The ending wasn't my favourite part but I do like the way you get to choose which ending to go for. I got the game on sale but even at full price I would consider it great value for money.. Like Pet Rescue Saga, but feel it's too casual? Ever wanted to see a word game and a survival game mashed up? Well, here you go. Highrise Heroes tasks you with spelling, keeping your folks oxygenated, maneuvering through rubble and impassable tiles, managing your turns (survivors have helpful powers but they cost turns to use). Sometimes you'll be racing the clock, sometimes you won't. There's plenty of variety that I've seen so far, so it's not repetitive. There are plenty of achievements and objectives to keep you addicted for hours at a time.. great game!. some might love how the extra special blasting letters -especially at the end- go BOOM and suchI rather snickered to a "Naughty" for an effect after spelling Pornohey,at that moment I really had nothing better or more helpful on that board I could have found at hand! :>